
4 Health Benefits of Owning a Hot Tub

4 Health Benefits of Owning a Hot Tub - Wave Spas USA

An inflatable hot tub can improve your life in ways you may not have imagined. Perhaps the best thing about our spas is their ability to bring families, couples and friends closer together (because who in their right mind would turn down an invitation to have a dip?)  

Whether you’re staying up late to stargaze in your garden or getting up early to see the sunrise, your tub can help you connect with those you care about most. Wavers can hardly believe the positive effects a spa has had on bringing their families closer together. 


“My husband and I love our Wave Spa. It's our go-to place to talk without any distractions. It’s definitely one of the best things we’ve ever bought in our 37 years of marriage! We wish we had bought one sooner!” - Happy Mum of Two

Incorporating a daily soak in your spa can also hugely benefit your general health and wellbeing. While only your trusted GP or a qualified professional will be able to tell you if hydrotherapy could be beneficial, there are still plenty more hot tub health benefits!  

Soak the Stress Away 

Perhaps the most obvious health benefit is a jacuzzi spa’s ability to relieve stress. In today's climate, it’s very easy to become overwhelmed and anxious. Stress can wreak havoc on your body, causing chest pains, headaches, anxiety, social withdrawal and even depression. Luckily, studies show that stress levels can dramatically decrease when your body is submerged in warm water. 


Hot Tub Help Sore Muscles 

Can a hot tub help sore muscles? Ask any athlete how they maintain a consistent performance and they’ll tell you “it’s by soaking in a spa”. Science has shown us that the warm water of a jacuzzi can greatly reduce any lactic acid that builds up after you’ve exercised. This paired with the powerful massaging bubble jets of a Wave Spa will ease any aches and pains and soothe tight muscles. (The magical healing powers of warm water can also aid recovery from any injuries you’re experiencing!) 


Catch Some Z’s

Believe it or not but relaxing in a spa is known to improve sleeping patterns. When you exit the warm, bubbling hot tub, your body naturally begins to cool. This cooling process not only helps you feel more relaxed but it also emulates the way your body temperate drops during your sleep cycle. You’re essentially tricking your body into feeling more tired, thus improving your sleep! 


But, what happens if you fall asleep in a hot tub? 

You'll most likely be jolted out of your sleep or wake up feeling a little dizzy. In very extreme cases (perhaps if you fall asleep intoxicated) you may not wake up at all. Of course, we strongly advise against this. 

Burn Calories

Does a hot tub burn calories? Research led by Dr. Faulkner at Loughborough University suggested that soaking in a jacuzzi spa for 1 hour can burn the same number of calories as a 30-minute walk!

Dr Steve Faulkner said: “Many cultures swear by the benefits of a hot bath. But only recently has science begun to understand how passive heating improves health. Activities that increase heat shock proteins may help to improve blood sugar control. These activities, such as soaking in a hot tub or taking a sauna, may have health benefits for people who are unable to exercise regularly.”



How many calories do you burn in a hot tub? 

According to Dr Faulkner, sitting in a hot tub for 1 hour can burn 140 calories. 

The bottom line...

Are hot tubs good for your health? Definitely! 

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